There is a large number of compromised hosts exist in enterprises under the cybersecurity situation nowadays. Such hosts may be remotely controlled by hackers for specific purposes, like information stealing, fire deletion, ransomware-related crimes, destructive behaviors or forgery of commands for particular applications, and can largely influence intellectual property, system and data security of the enterprise, or even the brand’s reputation. These threats need to be found out and dealt with timely in daily work.

Full-scale Threat Management
Cover all commonly used systems including Windows, Linux and Android, as well as common threat types such as APT campaigns, ransomware, miners, information-stealing Trojans, hacking tools, backdoors and botnets.
Closely Linked with Customers
Unlike relying on data from foreign sources, our 360 threat intelligence is mainly gathered from real attack incidents took place in China, has closer links to domestic customers and can provide a more reasonable and accurate lifecycle management.
Timely Intelligence Production and Update
With the help of the mature cooperation among members in our 360 Security Team, the time period from the occurrence of an attack to the customer reminder can be limited to several hours, and guarantee the effectiveness of latest threat detection process.